Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Talking post 7

Gender and Education

While searchign Gender and Education, I didnt find too much information on it. there are a bunch of random sites and a lot on other countrys. However sex disctimination came up a lot. The discrimination mostly effects the women. One fact that I really was upset by didnt have to do with education, it was stated that for every dollar a man makes a woman only makes 75 cents.

The biggest topic came up around my search was the gender gap. The gender gap is defined as the difference between the way males and females are treated. There has also been many studies of the ways that boys and girls brains grow.


  1. I bumped into the same problem. Most of the information regarding the United States had to do with post-secondary education. I would venture to say that its because there is not much sex discrimination when it comes to k12 classroom. If there was, I am pretty sure that there would be plenty of people complaining about it on the internet right now. However, girls in developing countries are at a major disadvantage when it comes to education.

  2. i had the same problem finding information, however, i found a similar graph and i found it very interesting because it completely goes against the stereotypes.

  3. You can read a lot about salary discrimination but when you are hired you don't know what others are making and you don't typically discuss that with co-works. If you happen to find out you can't go back and ask for more money because others make more - I found quite a bit on line just looking up diffent terms; title IX in 2010, discrimination in Education in 2010, etc...

  4. This chart is very interesting. It will be cool to check in 2014 if the projected numbers actually come true.

  5. Very interesting chart. This is what I see in my own experiences, though they are only at one high school and one college. I see that there isn't all that much inequality in higher level education.

  6. I was inspired by your chart information and went further to look up information regarding that. Thanks for the idea and great information.

  7. I found this chart to be really eye opening, if the projections are true it could really change the theory that there are always more males in secondary education.

  8. I had the same problem finding information and I liked you chart.
