Saturday, April 24, 2010

final talking point :)

1. “Democracy can only occur when no person’s voice is deterministically silenced”
This quote is incorporated where it talks about the different voices. We as educators need to make sure we hear and listen to every person’s voice and idea. It is very important that we never ignore anyone or shut anyone out.
2. "Participation is the most important place to begin because student involvement is low in traditional classrooms and because action is essential to gain knowledge and develop intelligence."
I feel that participation is one of the most important aspects in education. It is important to participate because it helps with understanding the topics being taught and it makes learning easier. I agree completely with this quote and feel that it is extremely important.
3. "If the aim of intellectual training is to form the intelligence rather than to stock the memory, and to produce intellectual explorers rather than mere erudition, then traditional education is manifestly guilty of a grave deficiency"
I have always thought that the traditional education system wasn’t the best type of education. This quote is saying that we need to change the traditional education if our goal is to make everyone more intellectual. I always hated exams and quizzes based off memorization. I never really understood the information; I was just very good at memorizing. I tended to get very bored throughout the years at school and wasn’t interested in it at all.

I enjoyed reading this article (even though it was on the plane on the way to Florida). It was a little too long and boring but I made it through it. I liked the stories that were incorporated in the article. This topic of the article was very easy to compare to sever situations that I have experienced and plan on in the future. It also helped give me new ideas of different ways to teach and really got me thinking about the future in my classroom.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Talking Point 9

Citizenship in School:
Reconceptualizing Down Syndrome
by Kliewer
1."I started to notice that I didn't like the classes I was taking called special education. I had to go through special ed. almost all my life. I wanted to take other classes that interested me. I had never felt so mad, I wanted to cry."
I have worked with some children who have Down Syndrome in the past couple of years. They always seem so happy to me, but maybe its because all we are doing is playing games and sports. I had always wondered how people with this really felt about how they were treated. This quote explains what I have always thought they felt like, but never knew.
2. "The challenge is to erase negative attitudes about people with developmental disabilities, get rid of the stereotypes and break the barriers for people with disabilities."
After stating that "now we know that people with disabilities can learn and have a full and rich life," this is what we need to do. There should be no question when it comes to how we should treat people with disabilities. Even though they do need extra care, depending on how severe their case is, they still deserve to be treated with respect. I like how it was so easy for me to find the so what and now what parts of this article. This quote is the Now What?
3. "(1)the attribution of thinking to one another; (2) the ability to see one another's individuality; (3) the ability to view the relationship as reciprocally valuable; and (4) the attribution of a valued social place for one another."
A study was done between people with disabilities and their relationships with people without disabilities. The study found that these 4 factors were very visible in the study. I learned that without all the pre-set thoughts of the person, you can really have a normal relationship with anyone. I was happy to find that these were the four different aspects and that is what you need in every other relationship, no matter what the circumstance is.
I really enjoyed reading this article because it gave me so much insight on how people with disabilities really feel. I have a friend who's little brother had Down Syndrome, and he is just as smart and sociable as a person who doesn't have it. I know in some cases its worse than others and that they need more care than some, but like I said before if they have the respect and the treatment the same as everyone else, they will be able to succeed. The schools need to be aware of the feelings and wants of these children who want to be in regular classes just like everyone else.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Extra Blog 2

Today in class was very interesting. When we were asked what social class we were in when we were 13, I never realized how well off I really was. I decided that I was in the upper middle class when I was growing up. My father was the Vice President for a company in upstate New York, and made very good money. My mom didn't have to work but she did once we were all in school full time. She was a 3rd grade teacher at an elementary school the town over from where I lived. My brothers and sisters and I all had nice things but were never spoiled. I lived in a very white upper middle class neighborhood and had a nice house. We moved there when I was 3 and lived there until I was 15. We has a full court basketball court on our property and a pool. I grew up with other kids that were around the same social status as me so I never new any different. Once I moved to a different area I started to realize and see more of where I stand. This assignment today made me actually break down the reasons I think I am what I am and it really made me understand.

Also when we were handed out the worksheet to do I was in shock. I am so use to doing group work and I was surprised with the change. I thought that it was just a different style of teaching and that you were just trying to accommodate other learning styles. Then once you asked how we felt about it, I was sure that it was just a testing opportunity to that went along with what the reading was teaching. I really liked that because it made us all appreciate the group work more because I think we were all getting sick of it.

Extra Blog 1

I was thinking about one of the classes over this semester and how it was one that is stuck in my head. Every time we talk about or i hear the saying, "in one of the previous classes", I automatically think back to this one. The class I referring to is the class when we discussed Christensen. I really disliked the article when I read it the first time, however this class completely changed my mind, as did the class we started talking about Delipt. I thought that is was so wrong to critique everything I loved to watch as a child and when Christensen stated, changing up some of the stories and their characters and the themes along with it, I was completely against it. I thought that there was no way a child would watch it, that it wasn't interesting enough. But then I realized, with the help of our class discussions, that if its not there for them to watch and they never have heard of it, they wont miss it. I loved the movie Cinderella, and when I realized that really the only messages that were being put out there were that you have to have nice things for people to like you and you need a man to be happy.
The best thing about the class was when we watched clips from Beauty and the Beast and the other music videos. I learn visually so seeing clips then discussing it really made me understand it better.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Talking point 8

Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work
by Jean Anyon
Reading this article, I wasn't very shocked with the facts that i was presented. I pretty much was aware of the difference in the schools and educations of different social class communities. In higher social class communities they better prepare their students for desirable jobs, like Anyon says, and this doesn't surprise me. I like how the study she did was over an entire year and not just a short time and how she chose all the same grade classes.
1. "fifth graders of different economic backgrounds are already being prepared to occupy particular rungs on the social ladder."
This quote is so true. Like I said before, it came no surprise to me that this is already happening. I just feel like this is why people stay in the social class they were born into, because they aren't given the chance to change or even any encouragement.
2. "teachers rarely explain why the work is being assigned."
This quote is explaining the working class schools. I feel like its the reason students don't care about education because they don't have any teachers that motivate them to learn or even explain why they are being taught what they are being taught. This probably makes the students not care about it because they don't know how they will use it in life or even the significance.
3."If one accumulates enough right answers, one gets a good grade."
This is how I was taught in school. The more answers I got right the better grade I got. This doesn't give the students the want to learn the material, just to understand it or even memorize enough to get correct answers on a test. The education is not valued and it effects the students in the long run in their education.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Social Justice Event

On Easter Sunday I took part in my diversity event. I watch a family of 5 kids every Saturday and they are all wonderful. There is a 13 year old names Anthony, a 10 year old Jacee, an 8 year old Isis, a 6 year old Jawarie, and a 3 year old names Romello(Mello). The father Mike is African-American and the mother Rana is Latina. The kids as well as both parents speak both English and Spanish. I was invited to their home for an Easter celebration. After I went to church with my family, I went to their house and there were so many people there. Both family and friends were there and there were about 20 kids there. I spent half the time with the adult and half the time with the children. I had an awesome experience and really loved being part of a different cultures traditions. They had certain ways and orders of doing things through out the day. There were some similarities to my families Easter celebrations, but many differences as well. A huge difference was the types of foods they were serving and when they were serving them. With my family we eat a lunch and a dinner, at their home the food was all put out at noon and was out all day. You could eat as much as you wanted and there was such a variety of foods that people brought. I have traveled to many different Spanish countries and have experienced some different foods. One of my favorite snacks are plantains. They had fresh plantains that Rana's mother had brought and they were so good.
At around 1, we had an Easter egg hunt with 100 eggs and it was crazy! Kids were everywhere and it was very hectic but very fun. I was on the porch with Rana and some other women and we were all talking about the kids and how cute they all were when all of a sudden Rana started yelling at Jawarie in Spanish. He was too close to the road and she was telling him to get away. As soon as this happened i thought about the code-switching that Collier talks about in her article. Like she says "when bilingual people use both languages in speech, alternating the two, they code-switch." In the chart that is found in the article about code-switching, i feel like my example would fall under the situational switches pattern. This is because we were all talking in English and as soon as she went to yell, Rana yelled Spanish.
My second example is from McIntosh's article. I went to play with Isis and some other girls her age and they were playing a Barbie game on their WII. While picking what their Barbie looked like I noticed that there were only white Barbies to choose. When McIntosh lists all the things that he never has to worry about I saw number 20. This states, " I can easily buy posters, postcards, picture books, greeting cards, dolls, toys, and children's magazines featuring people of my race." I couldn't help but wonder if the girls really think about the fact that none of the dolls are the same color as them, and if they even care, because I didn't notice anything. I never thought about this before taking this class and now I feel like it bothers me more than them.
My third example is from Linda Christensen. Now that I am aware of all the amounts of secret educations in cartoons and kids shows I notice it. As the night was starting to wind down, the kids who were still there were watching Spongebob Square Pants. I have heard many things about the content in this show and even the names of things in the show. The place where all the characters live is called Bikini Bottom. This is a very inappropriate name for a children's show. Also there are many things about the roles of women and people who are different then the norm. All the parents were with the kids while they were watching this show and as Christensen says "young people, unprotected by any intellectual armor, hear or watch these stories again and again, often from the warmth of their mother or father's lap." All these readings really have effected my thinking and its so interesting in how i notice everything.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Talking post 7

Gender and Education

While searchign Gender and Education, I didnt find too much information on it. there are a bunch of random sites and a lot on other countrys. However sex disctimination came up a lot. The discrimination mostly effects the women. One fact that I really was upset by didnt have to do with education, it was stated that for every dollar a man makes a woman only makes 75 cents.

The biggest topic came up around my search was the gender gap. The gender gap is defined as the difference between the way males and females are treated. There has also been many studies of the ways that boys and girls brains grow.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Talking Point #6

Tim Wise and Brown vs. Board of Education
I have been extremely busy this weekend and since the videos and website were not posted until Saturday I didn't have anytime to do them. However I had a chance to do so today. I really enjoyed the change up of things. I was getting really bored with the readings and this was a good break from that. I enjoyed taking a look at the website and getting a good feel for the Brown vs The Board of Education and more. I had gone through this before in some previous classes but for some reason it just never sticks in my mind. Looking at the website brought some things back that I have already learned. Wise said a lot of really great points that I had never really thought about before. There was a lot of proof and statistics that he had for some scenarios. I really enjoyed this assignment this week and can understand everything a little more.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

talking point #5

In the Service Of What? The Politics of Service Learning
by Joseph Kahne and Joel Westheime
This article is about the two different parts of Service Learning. It also talks a lot about how it is beneficial to both the student giving the service and the student receiving the service. Both participants gain many positives aspects to their learning expediences. Unlike many of the previous articles that I have read I almost completely agree with what this one is saying. I found some good quotes in the article that really helps to understand what Service Learning is.
1. "It is the combination of service and critical analysis, not either by itself, that seems most likely to promote interest in and insight into these complex social issues."
I agree that each part can not serve by itself. Like many other aspects of life most things don't work completely or perfectly without something else to hold it down. Both parts are beneficial and need each other to be proactive.
2. "Students tutor, coach softball, paint playgrounds, and read to the elderly because they are interested in people, or because they want to learn a little about poverty and racism before they head out into the waiting corporate world..."
I don't like how some people think of Service Learning as charity work. There is way more to it than just helping those who are less fortunate. There are learning opportunities for both the students who are receiving the service and those students who are actually taking part in the tutoring.
3. "Students would interact with those less fortunate than themselves and would experience the excitement and joy of learning while using they community as a classroom."
I agree completely that students need to learn in other places than the classroom. Having other experiences is what makes the students who they are individually and there is still a ton of learning to be don't. Finding things for the students to do and participate in outside the classroom is a key component of the roles of teachers.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Talking point #4

Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us
by Linda Christensen
1."Many of us grow up in neighborhoods where we have limited opportunities to interact with people different from out own families..."
I believe this is a very huge part of why we don't know any different that what we see. There are so many different types of people and we are so set on what we already know. The narrow view that many people have, is the only view people are willing to use.
2. "Happiness means getting a man, and transformation from wretched conditions can be achieved through consumption-in their case, through new clothes and a new hairstyle."
This is the way every fairy tale is played out. Cinderella is the most popular Princess story and personally my favorite. Even though this is how the story portrays happiness, I feel that once you get old enough you will realize its just a story and not real life.
3. "For some the lesson doesn't end in the classroom. Many who watched cartoons before we start our study say they can no longer enjoy them."
This is not the point of cartoons. Cartoons such as Looney Tunes are meant to be funny and entertaining. I personally don't see how analyzing cartoons like this is important. I understand that there are not enough diversities brought into the cartoons, but the fact that analyzing cartoons is ruining peoples take on them is not what should be happening.
This article was very hard to read. The text was very blurry and i couldn't focus because of that. What I got out of the article was that people were over analyzing cartoons and the meanings of them. Like I said before, I understand the problem that different diversities are not very well represented but I don't believe that we should have to over think the point of a cartoon. I liked that she provided her students the chance to make a difference by doing all the different types of projects.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Talking Point #3

Gayness, Multicultural Education, and Community
by Dennis Carlson
1. "Much as communist teachers were to be drummed out of the teaching corps because communism was "contagious," so gay teachers were to be fired because they too were understood as contagious"
I can not believe that people thought that "gayness" was contagious. The fact that they actually would fire a qualified teacher just because they are gay, really upsets me. Thankfully today this is not an issue anymore, but the actuality that it once was an issue is shocking and really makes me realize that I am lucky to live in the time frame I do.
2. "Normalizing texts systematically exclude and neglect the culture of those outside the norm for the purpose of ratifying or legitimating the dominant as the only significant culture worth studying."
Carlson makes a very good point here. I never thought about it before now, but he is really right. There is really a heavy impact on all students that the culture that they use in all the texts books is the only culture worth studying.
3. "Yet the intimidation continues, much as it does in the military."
Thought there is very little discrimination with gays, there is still intimidation. This means that people still have worries about being around gays, and are almost scared to be around them as well. This should not be the case but I have even found myself feeling this in some sort of way.
This article really gave me a lot of information about what gays had to go through in the past. I never knew that people were fired because they were gay. I always thought that the gays were going through rough and hard times today but now I know that there were many more things that they had to go through as well. The education system really doesn't include gayness in any of the curriculum's except when teaching about HIV/AIDS. I really enjoyed reading this article and learning a lot more than I knew before.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Talking point 2

Aria by Richard Rodriguez

1 "As we children learned more and more English, we shared fewer and fewer words with our parents."

This quote from the article really sums up what happens in a lot of families that speak other languages at home. Once the children learn English and use it out in public they tend to not know how to speak to their parents. The family that was once close and had their own family language, is now losing their connection. I feel that there has to be a sense of frustration between the family, that they don't know how to communicate to each other.

2 "For I was increasingly confident of my own public identity."

When a child in the public school systems in the US and they don't speak English, they tend to feel not a part of the society. Like the author states, once he became a English speaker, he felt he was a part of society and the public. The more fluent in English the more confident he became as a student in the public. I know that if the tables were turned, and I had to be the student who didn't know the public language, then I would not have any confidence until i knew the language either.

3 "Today i hear bilingual educators say that children lose a degree of 'individuality' by becoming assimilated into public society."

Having bilingual education is so important. The culture of power speaks English, therefore if one doesn't speak English they are at a disadvantage. Even though there are arguments on whether or not one will lose their individuality when they become English speakers, I disagree. If that's what defines individuality, does that mean us as English speakers aren't individual? This quote is important because this is a huge argument that is still going on today.

I really enjoyed reading this article. I really understand the importance of bilingual education. There were a lot of feelings that people who speak other languages have that i didn't know. I felt so upset for the father who was losing his family in a way. He lost the control of his house hold because he wasn't fluent in English. The wife became in charge of the household and the voice of the family. This made the father self-conscience. The family lost their connection and their new language made them feel fake at a time. Even the children became more advanced then their parents. Richardo didn't even know what to call his parents so he just didn't address them. On the other hand his family became confident in their languages and being a part of the culture of power. This was a very interesting article and I
really felt a connection while I was reading it. Richard Rodriguez is a great author and I like how he wrote real life stories.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

talking point 1

Amazing Grace by Jonathan Kozol
1. ""were your parents mad?" He looked surprised by this. "why would they be mad?" he asks. "God told us, 'Share'"
This conversation between the narrator and the little boy, Cliffie really got me thinking. Cliffie's family was very poor and didn't have much food or money. Cliffie went to get three pieces of pizza, one for him, one for his mom. and one for his dad. On his way home he saw a poor man who was hungry and he gave him some of his pizza. When asked if his parents were mad about giving away their pizza he said no because they are sent to share by God. Even though he has very little he still is so positive and tries to help others who are even worse off than he is. This was s o inspiring to me; people may be so poor and still be positive about it.
2. "I was offended but i was also blessed. I took the two chairs."
This quote was taking place when they were talking about the illegal dumpers. People would just dump their trash on the street and people would take it. When this woman explained that she found a brand new set of table and chairs and took it, it really made me feel for the people who live like this. She explained that she did feel offended that people were giving her their trash and that this is as much as she was worth. However she also realizes the situation that she is and to get things like that she is blessed. This really just made me feel for the people who have to live in these situations and that they get "blessed" with someone else's trash.
3. "She told me, 'I aint waitin' for the law.' In less than 48 hours he was dead...I hate to say it but he got what he deserved."
Here in this passage it was discussing a man who was killed by the grandmother of a girl that he raped and gave AIDS. The man was the mother of the little girl's boyfriend. The mother died 6 months earlier and then the boyfriend raped the girl and gave her AIDS. She then dies and the grandmother wanted revenge. She made me notice that the police are usually not involved in such cases, and when they eventually do its too late. The grandmother didn't want to wait until the police got involved and she took matters into her own hands; which seemingly happens a lot.
All of these stories really made me sad and feel terrible that people have to live in these environments. The author really brought a lot of heartfelt stories to prove the points he was trying to get across. There were stories of poverty and not having money for food. There were stories about not having good or manageable living environments. In the winters there is no heat and the people living in poverty have to try and survive. There are some efforts to help them like providing portable heaters or electric blankets; and when that wasn't possible they supplied sleeping bags. In the summer it was always too hot and people were losing their energy left and right. The children would even hang out the windows to catch a breeze. Then there were stories about the unclean and unsanitary health care and lack there of. Drugs are a huge part of the everyday life for the people living and growing up in these environments.
Deaths were very common in almost every family, and if someone in your family hadn't passed away there was a large percent chance that you would have at least known someone who has. Though there are so many struggles with living in poverty, people still manage to stay positive and at least try to better themselves. Reading this article really helped me to understand what some of these people have to go through and that they are trying to get rid of the lives they are destined for and make a better life for themselves.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ME :)

I'm Brynne(brin). I'm a transfer student From Keene State College in Keen New Hampshire. I am a "sophmore" this year. My semester is going to be a lot of work but nothing I cant manage. When I'm not in class I either am doing homework or working at the local YMCA in my town. I play Basketball and Lacrosse. Thats about it :)